Time Strategies
The first article I chose to write about is called "How to build a realistic study plan that you'll actually stick to." I'm sure it's probably self-evident as to why I've chosen this one : ) although I always plan on getting ahead for studying for exams, that rarely if ever happens. One of the most important parts of the introduction to this article, at least for me, was the ability to keep yourself accountable through the creation of a study plan. It's easy to say that I'll finish assignments whenever I have the time, especially for my online classes, but that's definitely and idealistic way to approach getting coursework done. This article was helpful in that it didn't encourage specific time intervals for studying--it instead details how everyone studies differently. This made me realize that perhaps I haven't found that time frame in which I can sit down and work on school and I will be the most productive. I may need to try some different strategies in the upcoming weeks and see how each of them work :) Making simple but productive goals seems like a great way to keep motivation high--it would be quite satisfying to tick off a whole list of objectives! After reading this article, I want to learn more about how I can be as efficient as possible while studying!
The next article I chose to write about is called "3 Steps to Recapture Time." The title of this article stuck out to me. I wish I had more time to be more productive! It reminded me of a great Jim Croce song (I'm a big fan of his by the way) that says "there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them." That's pretty much how I have been feeling about guitar lately! Especially when I'm studying guitar sounds like the best haha! Except in this class ;) but really though. I like how this article points out the importance of the first 15 minutes of your day. While it doesn't sound like much, I'm sure there's a number of things that you could do in the first 15 minutes of the day to ensure that you're headed off in the right direction. It would also be nice to have goals set out at such an early stage in your day. The concept of a pruning season also seems like a clever idea to have a glass half-full mentality. If things aren't going how you want right now, try to de-clutter some things and the roses may bloom through :) The final step, practicing saying no, made a lot of sense once I thought about it. By saying no to things which will hinder the goals you've set in place, you're setting yourself up for success.
Jim Croce making some music :P
source: commons
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