Week 11 reading: Native American Hero Tales part A
The story of The Jealous Uncle was shocking to me! I don't think I have ever heard another one like it. I wonder why they let the uncle hang around if his intentions are malicious. What are his motivations? I wouldn't let someone hurt my child, even if it was my brother or brother-in-law! So I am confused why the parents are so complacent. At least the uncle's wife has a heart. I like the character of the boy. He seems so confident in his survival, even while his parents show despair. I love his resolve! He knows about his uncle as well as his brothers but he still believes in himself. If the uncle wants this boy dead so badly, I am surprised he doesn't just do it himself. I mean, he is trying to kill him but in weird ways. For instance, death from falling down a cliff or getting stuck in a clam. It's pretty fortunate for the boy that he was able to drift safely to a new land. I do feel bad for his parents though. I am sure that they probably expect the worst, which would be devastating for them. I am surprised that the chief would let his daughter marry some random boy that floated to their beach in a box! But hey, I think the boy deserved some good fortune after having such an abysmal uncle. It is insane how the uncle still tries to control the boy's parents even after the boy is gone. I'm glad this lit a fire in the boy! I am glad that the uncle can no longer kill children or harm the boy's parents. This family really did deserve a happy ending!
Bibliography: The Jealous Uncle by Stith Thomson
A striking photograph of a bald eagle
source: commons
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