Week 13 Story: Where am I?

After what felt like an eternity, James somehow managed to land on his feet. He stumbled, but then regained his balance. "That was some fall," James said aloud. James had been doing homework with his older brother outside of their garden when he wandered off. He had decided to go climb the big oak tree as he normally would, but noticed something different about it this time around. A hole--just big enough for him to crawl through--had seemingly appeared out of nowhere from the day before. James didn't have high hopes for the hole. He assumed it would lead to a dead end after just a foot or two. But the further James crawled in, the more it expanded. After snaking around for several meters, the hole suddenly became very steep. Before James knew it, he was tumbling down--and then free falling. James blinked several times as his eyes began to adjust to the darkness that he found himself engulfed in....