Week 5 Story: Two Brothers

Once upon a time there were two brothers. They would work hard together during the days and shared a room to sleep in during the nights. They lived in a small house just outside of a small village. They didn't earn much, but it was honest work. They had come to rely on one another and trust each other tremendously. After all, they were all each other had. One day, the older brother fell in love with a local village girl. They were wed soon after. After the bride moved into their small house, the atmosphere in the house was different. Eventually, the wife came onto the younger brother. Furious, the younger brother stormed out. That night, the wife lied to the older brother, telling him that the younger brother had intended to kiss her, and attacked her when she didn't comply. The older brother saw right through this. After hearing the truth from his younger brother, the older brother divorced his wi...